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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Going To See The Elephant

Big times happening this week, started with the eviction of Filmore. I admit I needed the damn thing, but getting rid of it has been a milestone I had been looking forward to.

It imposed limitations on me, real or perceived; there were limitations.  I really hated having to take nourishment that way, but what you going to do if you can’t swallow?

For the last week or so I haven’t used Filmore so it was time to get rid of him.

It took seven needle sticks to get ready, two to draw blood for the lab work, seems like there was a new hire/student that attempted the first stick and missed so the real lab tech showed her how it’s done.

Then the debacle in getting the IV started. First inside the right elbow, then the left, since those didn’t work they tried the back of the hand, first the right then the left. Finally they went back to inside the right elbow and were successful.

I got the bruises to show for it. The IV was necessary as the removal was done under something called twilight anesthesia, I wasn’t out, just on the borderline, vaguely aware of what was going on, sort of.

I can remember hearing the doctor say; let’s deflate the balloon, and then a sharp pull and the sensation of it coming out, sort of like pulling a carrot. It couldn’t have taken more than a few seconds. Got a small gauze bandage covering up the location.

What I’m left with looks like a new belly button, kind of cute.

Just before Filmore was plucked from my belly, they dug out the medi-port. Now that wasn’t as easy.  The sensation was that they were hacking away with a spoon; I swear I heard the scrapping and tearing to go along with the digging in my shoulder.

Feels like they use the chainsaw method, the location is sore like all get out. I do remember the surgeon asking if I wanted to keep it for a souvenir. I declined saying I had no use for it now. Then it was back to la-la land.

The whole procedure from start to finish took about 2 hours and then it was home to sleep off the effects of the drugs.  Finally woke up about 8 PM in time to eat a bite and go back to sleep.

Today was the radiological follow up. The radiological oncologist checked my progress and has ordered the PET scan for July 3rd.  She seems pleased with the progress I am making and said I appear to be on track.

Another of the side effects is my neck is silky smooth, no shaving here. Still feels like it’s slightly sunburned, sort of sensitive, just like me.

Monday I have a follow up with the regular oncologist so I’ll most likely have something new to report back on.

Here are the shirts I wore to these two appointments:

 Still have about 12-15 shirts available, but I need only three. The last three are from the bean counter and Sissy. They are classics so stay tuned for those.

Quote of the day:
“Life's hard. It's even harder when you're stupid.” 
 John Wayne

Vital stats:
Weight 198
Throat 80%
Blood Pressure 110/78

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Friday, May 11, 2012

Paying it forward

First off, a name change, Battling the Big C, this is because that’s what it’s all about. Friends and family, we are in this fight to the finish.

This trek would not have been possible with out the support of a lot of people. Most you reading this have helped in ways and at times you can never really know. I owe a huge debt that I now am tasked with repaying.

You guys paid it forward; I get to pay it back. I have my work cut out for me.

The shirts I received were such an inspirational support, they help to fulfill my pledge to wear a different shirt to every treatment or doctor appointment.  Also it struck home my wardrobe is seriously Hawaiian shirt heavy.

Foe all the readers and followers of the blog, even that was a support, the comments and the support for it made getting the story out a way of coping with the obstacles that were thrown up in my path.

I had the support of great bosses and co-workers, people that let me work my schedule and took up the slack when I wasn’t there.  Good people that I count as good friends.

I can’t thank those that made the trip to check in on me, several made trips of over 500 total miles, all for a short visit. But even the ones from across town, those visits meant a lot to me. 

All the calls to check on how I was doing and the offers of help made me feel that I wasn’t alone facing this thing.

I owe a ton of thanks to all those that stepped up to the plate to make it easier for me.  Everyday I get better and gain back some of the strength I lost.  I am eating better and taste is slowly coming back.

It’s a shame when chocolate tastes bad, But I am making headway, Filmores days are numbered, he is being evicted next Thursday.  The medi-port will be removed at the same time. For me that is a big milestone.

I have a follow up appointment with the radiation oncologist on Friday. Dentist is scheduled for the 28th. And sometime after the end of the month a PET scan, that is the big one.

It was the little things, like Bella’s comments, she tried to post, some got through, not bad for a seven year old. Like I said I got some serious payback to take care of.

Quote of the day:
          All our dreams can come true – if we have the courage to pursue them.
         Walt Disney

In the meantime –

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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Saturday Morning Cartoons

It’s the recap of the week; a minor info blog posting to hit the highlights and low lights of the preceding week.

There were no needs for a daily blog except to say I’m getting better, each day is slightly better than the day before but way better that it was a week before.  Tomorrow is different tomorrow is important blog day, be sure to tune in.

Had a long trip home on Tuesday, switch issues on DCTA A-train had it running an average speed of 2.5mph.  That’s right, took two and a half hours to get home.  I left the office at 3:40 and pulled into my drive at 6:00.  But overall, in the scope of things, this was no big deal, just part of life.

Wednesday night I had tomato soup for dinner. All I managed to get down was one small bowl.  It was pretty acidic and didn’t feel all that well on the throat. I continue to try to figure out what might taste better and go down easy.

Thursday meal treat was chicken mushroom soup, creamy chicken mushroom soup. It tasted great and went down pretty easy. One bowl because that’s all I made up.  Filmore your days are numbered.

Free food Friday at the office, I will not be denied.  I don’t care if it is pizza I am having some.  Well that little ego trip wasn’t worth the effort. The Pizza was 2in by 6 inch pieces, it not round pizza but rectangular thin crust stuff. I managed to eat the topping off 1 piece. It didn’t taste right and was too hard to swallow. But I did get it down.

Friday night was the rest of the chicken mushroom soup. About half way through I decided it needed some kick so I got out the hot sauce. You know I like really hot stuff but I cut way back on the amount I hit it with. Good thing, the ability to enjoy hot spicy food is missing, two or three dashes made it too hot to enjoy, the mouth on fire i couldn't finish it.

It is so dang frustrating to smell something that triggers taste memories but then doesn’t taste right.  Getting closer, except that right now everything has a chalky taste.

Filmore popped its’ top early Saturday morning so my plans for sleeping in were thwarted.  I needed clean sheets on the bed anyway.  Filmore your days are numbered.

This thing is rough but you can overcome, stay strong and know you have lots of people pulling for you. It can be beat and will be beat.

I got to start work on the Sunday missive I promised, dang it Bobby, you should have kept your mouth shut. Nothing like a little pressure to enable the writers block.

Quote of the day:
Marie De Vichy-Chaconne

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