Big times happening this
week, started with the eviction of Filmore. I admit I needed the damn thing,
but getting rid of it has been a milestone I had been looking forward to.
It imposed limitations on
me, real or perceived; there were limitations.
I really hated having to take nourishment that way, but what you going
to do if you can’t swallow?
For the last week or so I
haven’t used Filmore so it was time to get rid of him.
It took seven needle sticks
to get ready, two to draw blood for the lab work, seems like there was a new
hire/student that attempted the first stick and missed so the real lab tech
showed her how it’s done.
Then the debacle in getting
the IV started. First inside the right elbow, then the left, since those didn’t
work they tried the back of the hand, first the right then the left. Finally
they went back to inside the right elbow and were successful.
I got the bruises to show
for it. The IV was necessary as the removal was done under something called
twilight anesthesia, I wasn’t out, just on the borderline, vaguely aware of
what was going on, sort of.
I can remember hearing the
doctor say; let’s deflate the balloon, and then a sharp pull and the sensation
of it coming out, sort of like pulling a carrot. It couldn’t have taken more
than a few seconds. Got a small gauze bandage covering up the location.
What I’m left with looks
like a new belly button, kind of cute.
Just before Filmore was
plucked from my belly, they dug out the medi-port. Now that wasn’t as
easy. The sensation was that they were
hacking away with a spoon; I swear I heard the scrapping and tearing to go
along with the digging in my shoulder.
Feels like they use the
chainsaw method, the location is sore like all get out. I do remember the
surgeon asking if I wanted to keep it for a souvenir. I declined saying I had
no use for it now. Then it was back to la-la land.
The whole procedure from
start to finish took about 2 hours and then it was home to sleep off the
effects of the drugs. Finally woke up
about 8 PM in time to eat a bite and go back to sleep.
Today was the radiological
follow up. The radiological oncologist checked my progress and has ordered the
PET scan for July 3rd. She
seems pleased with the progress I am making and said I appear to be on track.
Another of the side effects
is my neck is silky smooth, no shaving here. Still feels like it’s slightly
sunburned, sort of sensitive, just like me.
Monday I have a follow up
with the regular oncologist so I’ll most likely have something new to report
back on.
Here are the shirts I wore
to these two appointments:
Still have about 12-15 shirts available, but I need only three. The last three are from the bean counter and Sissy. They are classics so stay tuned for those.
Quote of the day:
Vital stats:
Weight 198
Throat 80%
Blood Pressure 110/78
Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler