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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Cochise the Wonder Dog

For you who don’t know him, Cochise is my blue heeler. He’s a $70,000 dog.  Most of that was the result of him tripping me and causing the need for reconstructive surgery on my right shoulder. Since he cost me that much I put that price tag on him in case you are interested.

He’s a good dog and evidently has powers I am not fully aware of. Today I do the PET scan and since he is the only pet I got I guess he gets to do it.

History lesson – Cochise was a nantan, (chief) of the Chiricahua Apaches, a real bad ass, the dog Cochise was originally going to be named coach, after the brother-in-law who gave him to me. But I knew it would be confusing to talk about coach crapping in the yard and doing other things, people wouldn’t know which one I was talking about. 

Anyway to show a modicum of respect I changed the dog’s name to a more formal one, Cochise. 

Anyway, today is PET scan day, this is the first of many (I Hope),  results will be ready in 2-3 days.  If nothing shows up then we wait another 6 months or so and do it again.

I am now at about 80%, still having issues swallowing, mostly due to the dry mouth, which is in of itself causing trouble with the few remaining teeth.  But not to worry, I have a dental exam scheduled for the first week in July.

Planning continues for the great expedition, I am hoping that the high altitude isn’t going to be an issue. I think I can manage to tote my daily limit up out of the valley. Right now it looks like a pretty good group is headed up to Platoro. I’ll take lots of pictures so you guys stuck back here in 100 degree heat can see what it was like to be in the mountains in 65 degree days J

Time to roll, I’ll follow up with a shot of today’s shirt.  The count of used shirts stands at 53.  There are 16 still available in the closet.  Looks like I made it, thanks to the help from all you guys.

Mighty fine shirt

Quote of the day:

Humor is also a way of saying something serious.

             --T.S. Eliot


Vital stats:
Weight 188
Throat 80%
Blood Pressure 117/78

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

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