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Monday, June 25, 2012


I’m really late posting this update. Maybe that is because I am doing so much better than I was.  The first part of what follows is what took place across the memorial day weekend.

Memorial day was.  After a hiatus of 90 days I made it back to the ranch.  Being there is one of the most relaxing things I can think of doing.  Plus being there was a milestone I had set for myself about 45 days ago.

Lot’s of smaller milestones since the last update.  I can swallow with almost no pain.  For the first time since mid-February, I woke up without a sore throat.  That happened Sunday, and it meant that I was able to almost double the amount of food I would try to consume at a meal.

Meals were interesting as well; when at the ranch we tend to eat rather well, one of the hunting buddies likes to cook and does.  You’re not going to be eating kippered snacks on saltines.   And while I asked for mac-n-cheese what I got was homemade gourmet mac-n-cheese with real bacon, it was  awesome.  

We managed to accomplish quite a bit of maintenance work, I didn’t run out of steam too soon or over do it.  But it wasn’t all work, we took weapons so we did some shooting and I was able to meet another mile stone,

The mask was the worst part of the treatment. I found I really hated being locked in that damn thing. Those were the longest 20 minuets each day. So since I was finished with treatments I got the mask and It was dealt with at the ranch.  Take a shot at this video, I did:

Since that day I have made small improvements each day getting back towards normal.  I still tire really fast and when I run out of energy it’s crash time. This past weekend I went back to bed about 7Am and slept until 5PM, guess I  had been running on empty.

Tomorrow is PET scan day – this is the first big milestone in the recovery process, it will tell the tale on rather or not charley is really gone or if I need to follow up.  Wish me luck.  I’ll post tomorrow with shirt and a treatment update.

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