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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thursday Teeth

Good day today, got me some new choppers.  Now I’ll be able to do more than gum the heck out of everything. Look out steak, look out apple, look out hotdogs, pedro’s got some teeth.

Got to give Dr Stover the dentist his due, he pulled these together and got them fitted in my mouth in record time.  A great fit and they are looking good.  This is another big step down the road to recovery.

I can not put enough emphasis on the medical teams that have worked to resolve all the issues that I have faced in these past few months.  Heck, I’m in better shape than before. 

The fact I lost 50 pounds has meant that my high blood pressure isn’t and the type II diabetes is also under control.  I’m looking good and standing proud.

In twenty-four hours I’ll be headed to Colorado for a week of trout fishing and enjoying the cool mountain air. High on the list of things to do is to enjoy myself. I plan on taking a few to reflect on how lucky I have been and to be thankful for all the support I have received over the past few months.

And to show my thanks I won’t rub it in that the weather up there is going to be soooooo much nicer than Texas.

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Cool Mountain Air

 Yeah buddy, that’s right, chances are that when you read this I’ll be in the cool mountain air of Southern Colorado.  Fishing, trout fishing, and the forecast highs for the week I’m there, 69.

You guyas can suffer in the summer heat. The local temps in the North Texas area are to be in the 100’s. But I’ll be staying cool and macking on the trout.

Tomorrow I have the chance to get my new choppers.  They were supposed to be ready today but the dentist didn’t like the fit so he’s sending them back for a tune up.  I can live with that.

Only bad part of the great expedition is the fact my boys couldn’t make it. In fact several guys dropped out due to other commitments but the core of the great expedition group are true to their values and will be attending.

I’ll be styling in my new teeth and Hawaiian shirts and shorts. Pictures will be posted on my return. Picture of the ff the fish, I’m sure you seen enough of me over the past few months.

This trip is important as it was a milestone I set when I was really in the dumps and sick as a dog, it was something to look forward to and work towards. I intend to enjoy it even though my drinking abilities are still severely diminished.

At least I might be able to do some real eating with my new TEETH.

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Look out Platoro, Colorado, Pedro is on the way and he's bringing some of the Pope's finest home brew!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Insurance Games

It’s like a reality show!  I was contacted by our HR department about submitting a claim against the medical insurance for the initial dental work.  That’s several thousand dollars worth of bills. What will happen? Will they pay or will I be voted out?

There is an exception to the not covering dental work.  If the work  is necessary to prepare the victim for radiation treatments, its covered.  So now I have to gather up all the statements of work that I have had to pay out of pocket for and get it submitted to Blue Cross-Blue Shield.

Ya gotta love it when a plan comes together.  Hopefully this will be a one time submittal and not one of those back and forth issues.  Also I am wondering if the need for the partials is going to be covered as well; after all I need me some teeth in order to be able to eat right.

Anyway, I have another visit to the dentist office tomorrow and they are going to want money so I guess I got to suck it up and pay it out. But I might even have teeth by the trip to Colorado.  I’ll be macking on some trout.

I might even post a picture of what ever shirt is worn tomorrow.

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Nasal Snake

Today was the Dental and ENT follow up appointment.

Looks like I am going to be able to buy me some teeth. Of course insurance isn’t going to be paying anything on them as I maxed out the dental insurance way back in February.  Still, it will be nice to have a set of choppers again. I am tired of looking all white trashy meth head style.

I have got to juggle some money around, need to cover the 2 grand and still have a full amount to take on the yearly fishing trip.  Maybe it’s a good thing I got me a MBA, all the financial stuff would discourage a lesser man.

After the Dentist it was on to the ENT appointment, doctor needs to make a payment on the Mercedes.

Over all went well until the end. It seems like Dr Evans needed to check out the base of my tongue. That of course was the initial site that charley chose to occupy.  Pretty easy exam, all he had to do was cram his arm up to the elbow down my throat and poke and jab the innards.

Damn lucky I didn’t puke on him.  Any way, as I recovered from that invasion of my personal space he was hooking up a nasal scope. 

I remember that damn thing, it’s long and slinky, about an eight of an inch in diameter but 18 inches long with a camera built in and it’s intended to be stuck up your nose.  I don’t like anything stuck up my nose, especially when it ends up going down my throat.

As I was gagging and choking the doctor kept admonishing me to breath, “deep breath, through your nose”. Hell of a lot easier said than done.

“Interesting”, that was the way he described it, “your larynx clamped down and sealed off your throat just like it is supposed to do to keep foreign matter out of the lungs.” Well that damn scope is about as foreign as it can be.

Overall it was a pretty good morning, two doctors visits, two new prescriptions, and still had time to get a tire repaired and make it to the office by noon.

Everyday above ground is a good day.

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Happy Birthday America

Last week, Americans everywhere were celebrating the birth of our nation.  It was more than fireworks and parades, it was a time to celebrate and honor the Americans before us that helped create this country of ours.

It was also my sisters’ birthday, she’s old.

I have been trying this week to awaken earlier than I have been.  I need to get back to the schedule I kept before treatments.  I’m still running out of energy early in the afternoon but it’s getting later and later each week.  If I can catch the earlier train I can be in the office by 7, makes it easier to make an eight hour day.

Today it’s the dentist and the ENT doctor.  The dentist is going to tell me when I can expect the extraction sites to fully heal and when I can expect to get some teeth.  There are some rib eyes out there that are waiting on me. 

The ENT needs to make a Mercedes payment so he decided he needs to see me. Did I mention I hate dentists?  And don’t get me started of so called dental insurance.  Would you buy car insurance that only covered two oil changes a year and flat fixing with everything else capped at $1,500.00 dollars?

Things are getting better, food is tasting better, dry mouth continues to be a problem, but on the other hand I am staying hydrated. Dry sockets are painful but we get them evaluated today.

Less than 12 days to the trip to Colorado, fishing awaits, Still don’t know if warrior child can get off o attend, nephew in Air Force might be coming, I guess I’ll find out right at the last moment. 

This post will be updated with treatment shirt picture later today.

Here it is:

Quote of the day:
For disappearing acts, it's hard to beat what happens to the eight hours supposedly left after eight of sleep and eight of work.
Weight today - 187.5

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler