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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Eggs and Bunnies

Ha! The title was a diversion, but at least you were interested enough to read on.  It is Easter, a traditional time for renewal and that is what I am doing, getting renewed. Not wearing my Sunday finest but still in the renewal process.

Every day I search hard for some modicum of improvement, anything to show I am moving in the right direction, everyday I test my voice to see if I can talk louder than a whisperer.

I’m getting there; it’s just taking me a little bit longer than I thought. Tuesday is the one week since the last radiation treatment so I should start to see some improvement, already my neck isn’t as red, no longer looks stir fried or sore, so the insides should stat looking and feeling better soon as well.

Started a new wine kit yesterday and other than that I ether slept or thought about sleeping. Except for lat night, a t night I can’t seem to sleep, wake up gagging and puking every 30-45 minuets so it’s not to pretty.

Easter resolution #1; to go a whole blog with out using the term Gagging or Puke. Starting now. . .

 Not to much on tap for today, a run to Lowes is still in the works, in fact may just do that in the next 30 minutes or so.  As soon as I get the garden out the better I will fill about it. Storms are scheduled for the next 4 days so I might need to leave the pots indoors for a few.

Grass and weeds are greening up nicely, both empress trees are out and blooming but one is doing 100% better than the other, hope there’s no lasting drought damage to them. Roses are blooming big time and I still need to do some trimming.  Looks like a garden day to me.

Weight today – 198  - got to eat more . . .
Blood Pressure – didn’t take it, it’s the weekend
Blood Sugar – didn’t take it, it’s the weekend

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler


  1. Mom said that she did container gardening last year and it was successful until the 100+ temps, no rain, high winds cooked everything. Good luck on your containers, mom is trying again this year. We also have the big garden back by the chickens - squash, black eyed peas, onions, peppers, tomatoes, okra, egg plant, you know the basic stuff.

  2. Pete, you've inspired me. I now have pot pepper, pimento pepper and tomatoes!

  3. Dear Pete I am glad that you almost have a garden. I hope your plants bloom very well. Love Bella Adams
