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Monday, April 9, 2012

FIlmore Revolution, Film at Eleven

Ok, no film but I think there something going on; Pinko red commies, left wing radicals, snot nosed pre-pubescent young  punks, someone is stirring thing up with Filmore. Last night he popped his top not once, but twice.  This morning I am doing laundry.

Amazing how one can go from a somnolent state to wide eyed terror is a split second. Most likely that’s not good for the heart.

It’s a Monday, corporate holiday, so I am sleeping in this morning, no need to get up early.  Typical PC crap, can’t have good Friday off, that would offend non-Christians so we take the Monday after as a spring celebration day.  Can you say CRAP.

See? Proof positive I am getting better, stupid stuff is beginning to get to me again. I know, you can’t fix stupid, not even with duct tape.

Yesterday I did the pot plants, 9 pots of peppers are in first class soil and out doors on the porch. Turns out I bought twice enough soil and stuff, I need to go buy 9 more pots and plant something else, maybe cukes, okra, or tomatoes.  

Thanks to the visitors this weekend, enjoyed the visits and thanks for know short is better than long. Like Melinda figured out pretty fast, yes-no questions were the ones I preferred.

Today the throat is a little bit better, much improved from Friday but still a long ways to go but improving. Voice is still just a croak but getting better.

Weight today – 199.5  . . .
Blood Pressure – didn’t take it, it’s the weekend
Blood Sugar – didn’t take it, it’s the weekend

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

1 comment:

  1. Dear Pete I am still working on my habitat it is a savanna with an elephant and a water hohle and a 1 tree and grass.I will hop that you will get beter soon. LOVE ANNABELLE ADAMS.
