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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Latest Hump Day Happening’s

Four in the morning and I wake without warning, it’s a country song moment, complete with strange dream to set the stage.  I ‘invented’ a device that allows one to poke a small hole in a screw top wine closer to test the wine without opening it. This way you can test the wine everyday till it is at it's peak and then enjoy it.

It was a dream, seemed to make some sense during the dream but now, I’m pretty sure it would never work, I mean, opened is opened, drink the wine it doesn’t change that much day to day.

I must be getting better, I don’t remember any dreaming during the last 3 weeks of treatment, I was just to tired to get any really good sleep.

Right now I am still dealing with the super industrial strength rope like saliva I swear this stuff could be used to pull locomotives with and the adherence strength is remarkable, it doesn’t release. I have filled numerous wiping rags with samples if you need some for testing.

Looks like I’m going to be up for working again today, maybe I can get in another 8hr plus day, I need to, behind the power curve on performance. It’s one thing to work from home another thing to do enough work to make working from home a viable recourse.

Now if I could only get the issues with email worked out.  Today I start rattling cages.

See, I’m getting ornery, must be getting better.

Weight today – 198
Blood Pressure – 130-79
Blood Sugar – 148 fasting

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1 comment:

  1. Hey, it does sound like you're getting better so a resounding "YEA" for you. Would you use one of those white boards you can just erase over and over if I bought you one? You could use different colors of pens for whatever mood you're in to speak to your visitors via the written word. Let me know.
