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Saturday, March 31, 2012

No Shirt – No Post

Almost a true threat but then I know my indulgent fans need to see something or they are liable to start showing up to help. I was wonder why I had so many visitors today.

My hunting buddy that hates driving came up from Austin, appreciated the visit Marvin, sorry bout the puking.

The weekends are for R&R, rest and recuperating, and that what I am trying to do, between the naps and pukes of course.

Loyal minion showed up and mowed my back yard again, I never mowed it, even before I was stricken, so not sure how I am going to keep him doing this after I get better.

And with two days left in the treatment plan I will start the getting better on Wednesday and plan on being back to full form in 45 days,

Bro Paul loaded up and drove in from Lubbock so you can see the problem with forgetting to post. Any way I am still above ground and moving, moving slow but moving. Actually, I move pretty quick when I need to grab the trash can, currently have three spaced out around the house.

Weight today – 201
Blood Pressure – 130/78

Got to make a beer run – I am currently out.

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Friday, March 30, 2012

Free Food Friday – NOT

No free food, at least not for me, but that’s ok because I‘m finding myself not overly excited by food at the moment, go figure. Yesterday was a Thursday but it peaked late last night or early this morning,

What is it about 2AM? Couldn’t sleep, too pukey, but didn’t feel well enough to write. Looking back I am amazed at how fast my stamina decreased in the last 10 days. Perrty sorry when you need to rest up so you can take a nap.

Looking at the bright side; counting today, three treatments of Radiation and 1 chemo remain. That’s three more days and it starts to get better. The doctor warned me that radiation will continue to work for 2-3 weeks after the end of treatments so I shouldn’t expect a quick reversal for a couple of weeks.

But it will get better, I am getting pumped at the idea of no more nausea or puking, a throat that doesn’t feel as though I‘ve been sandpapering the insides and a voice that isn’t a croak.

It is going to be great and getting better starting next week. Plus just so you know, I bought a lotto ticket and when I win the 325 million cash prize, there will be a party.

Today I am adorned in some of the finest from down South, we are talking Panama. I am telling you, a shirt from Panama City and a real Panama hat from Ecuador and I am styling.

Thanks to ex-wife#2 for these fine items.

It’s the weekend – party hardy

Weight today – 203
Blood Pressure – 111/72

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Gag and Puke

Wasn’t the best of days this past hump day. Felt more like a Thursday which has me somewhat concerned as today is Thursday and if yesterday was a preview today is going to be UGLY.

Now you know me, I am an optimist, it’s going to be OK, and it’s not that bad. Two AM and I am hoping I’m going to be right. Why am I up at 2 AM?, read the title, non stop since Wednesday morning about 10.

But it’s no big deal, just another bump in the road, and overall I have had it pretty easy. I know some of my fellow victims at the treatment center have been sick since week two and suffer mightily, me, I just skate along with minor discomforts.

But the truth be told, I am ready for this crap to be over. Four more radiation treatments, and 1 chemo day remaining. Then we can let the healing begin.

Since I am totally wore out this entry is going to be a short one, I may add to it later in the day but I wouldn’t hold my breath.

Wearing a shirt from my cousin Jake; it’s a nice little silk number;

Weight today – 204
Blood Pressure – 108/76
Gag and puke – 237 ( it’s getting old)

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Transitional Tuesday

Some how I managed to change the way I blog into a recap of the day before but with the correct shirt being shown.

It’s all so confusing. Sometimes I think this whole treatment thing has me more that slightly befuddled. Like how is it already Wednesday, that’s hump day and we just did one, didn’t we?

Still fighting the blood pressure, been holding around the 110 mark and that’s without taking the satin that was working so well for me. Now if losing the weight helps the blood pressure why isn’t the blood sugar playing along?

Wasn’t all that productive today, working from home I had issues with a customer vpn site all day, doesn’t like vpn to a vpn to a customer site, something got lost in translations plus it looks like one of the hops doesn’t like the 64bit OS’s..

ETAC recommend I install firefox, just what II need browser number 5 on my machine. Don’t think it’s going to happen. Tomorrow I’ll make Alan VPN into the customer site and I’ll guide him in the mysterious ways of a DBA.

Throat way better than yesterday and all I had to contend with was the need for sleep. Midday brought me a woot box.

Turns out it wasn’t from woot but a recycled woot box is almost as good. I now sport a fine Panama hat, one from panama that was made in Ecuador as it is supposed to be. I am styling, this is now an official part of the ensemble.

Next Monday I am going to be wearing the Banana shorts, banana shirt and wearing my Panama hat – photo’s will be posted. Eat you heart out Tom Selleck.

But for today, (hump day) I am adorned with the shirt offered by Jeremy and Patti, it’s a sedate little thing in casual grey and red, actually one of my favorites.

Weight today – 204
Blood Pressure – 128/78
Rats caught - 3
Panama Hats received -1
Panama shirt received - 1

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Monday Morning Madnes

One of the issues with sleeping all the time is waking up all the time. Case in point; Monday morning I was wide awake at 4:49, and hungry. It seems that the body can tell when Fillmore has been doing his job, let the gut run dry, and it reminds you, that it also has needs.

So I am sitting up poking a 8 oz can of goodie down Filmores’ throat and get back in bed and catch a few more winks. Best laid plans go asunder, I end up doing the regular 3 can feed and all the morning pills, then attend to my morning routines and get ready to meet the day.

Mondays are usually pretty good days, an I suspect this one to be the same. Ok there were a few glitches, Claude the Cyclops x-ray machine has turned stupid, his program won’t load and my session is moved to 1:30. This sad state of affairs means my neck gets no wonder salve until afterwards.

Plus blood pressure is once again low 93/62, so there is concern that my blood pressure medicine needs to be halted. I admit I took one today but I have not been taking them since last Monday. But seems to me and the nurses at Texas Oncology, Bp’s of less than 100 are not good.

All in all, great Monday, I managed to finish the chemo day and get home by 4, made it to the CVS store to pick up a new blood pressure meter but they are out. In fact, all CVS stores are currently out of wrist blood pressure meters, seems they are in thee process of changing providers. On to Walgreens, there I found and purchased one, now I can check my blood pressure every day as directed.

Four can Filmore night and I am fixing to make the final crash of the evening. I don’t plan on getting up but maybe twice tonight :)

Wow !, Monday night was a good one, I woke up relaxed and throat is felling 100% better(inside throat). And what do I owe this to? Maybe it was the SUPER B COMPLEX pill I added to the med mix. I really like super B complex; I sleep so much better when taking them.

Mondays’ shirt was a blue dolphin thing, Très chic, but this Tuesdays I am going with the big purple, takes almost as much a man to wear this as the pink flamingo shirt. Tuesday's shirt is the royal purple XL

Weight today – 203.5
Blood Pressure – 128/78
Blood Sugar - 138
Sunburn – redneck under control
Throat - under control
Voice – less disgusting croak

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Monday, March 26, 2012

Smooth Sailing Sunday

Sunday was another good day of sleeping and sleeping. No visitors that I was aware of, but then I was asleep a lot.

Faithful minion did some clean up and I appreciate it. Being worn out all the time, is takes everything I got to stay semi-caught up. Nice phone conversations, (two), both short, which is good as I can barely talk and the throat really is in a bit of pain when I do.

But overall, in the grand scheme of things, Sunday was a success. I hope to leverage that success in to a great chemo day. This may be the last chemo day. I will find out for sure when I see el doc and have a final planning session. But this I know for sure, seven(7) radiation days remain, and these are been shortened versions of the initial blasts I was getting so, no problem, piece of cake.

Seven days and the throat can start the return to a painless state, I can’t wait. In fact the healing starts after Thursday, I figure that’s the last low day of the course.

Today’s fine apparel is provided by Aimee and Rich, from the Hawaiian Clothing, Aloha Shirts Honolulu, we have the Island Dolphins in Blue with a boarder of red hibiscus flowers as accent.

It almost time to go wage war against charley, I truly feel we are in a cleanup operation mode now, but we are going to lay down a full assault of chemo and radiation to make sure that sucker is dead. A long time ago in West Texas, an old Mexican man told me one of life’s great truisms, “. . . something mess with you, kill it, it never mess with you again.”

Weight today – 201.5
Hair loss – none, still need a hair cut
Sunburn – under control
Throat – dry and scratchy and hurting
Voice – disgusting croak

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Super Saturday

It was, it really was! Of course all I did was sleep, but then that’s all I do any day of the week.

Saturday and Sunday are rest and recuperation, no treatments so the body gets a few days to semi recover, and I’ll take it. Had a nice visit with pope Buford, he showed up while I was taking nap number 12 but since I only sleep for about thirty minutes at a time he didn’t have long to wait before I was there to cuss and discuss life in general.

On the weekends I am filling Filmore multiple times a day, but only with a couple of cans each time, this stuff still runs my blood sugar through the roof. I think I need to consult my nutritional expert friend and see what she might suggest as an alternative.

I invented a wonderful salve for the neck, a neck which is peeling and burning and feels like crap most of the time. I think I could make a billion dollars with this stuff, not instant relief but a relief that works and lasts up to 4-6 hours.

One part 2% lidocain cream to 3 parts radialplex which is a aloe based cream, and one part Aquaphor ointment which is a petroleum jelly type of compound,; a cream that removes the pain, eases the burn, sooths the skins and lets you function normally.

So for the most part yesterday I slept, watched a movie, visited , slept, invented wonder rub, slept, visited, filled Filmore, slept. All in all, I would say that it was a pretty good day.

I did wear the banana shorts, two witnesses actually saw me in them, I didn’t push the envelope by wearing the shirt this time but I think next excursion the world gets to see both.

FYI here is the shirt that Ms Deb made a long time ago. The pearl snaps are a royal purple and go well with the over all color motif:

I must have been a tad bit thinner way back then. . . .

Weight today – 203
Hair loss – none, need a hair cut
Sunburn – under control
Throat – dry and scratchy

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Free Food Friday!

Yea, it’s free food Friday. Went in to the office yesterday, not sure why, but I did. At our fine establishment, we have lunch catered in every Friday, Yesterday it was BBQ, and all the trimmings.

Man it looked good, smelled good, and judging from the decrease in background noises, must have tasted pretty good as well. This is like the sixth week of free food that I haven’t enjoyed.

In fact that is what I find myself day dreaming about, food. Not just the taste, but the way it looks the way if felt as it is swallowed, can’t believe how much texture is involved in making something appetizing.

Now I’m pretty happy with my canned food, it’s keeping the weight steady, easy on the gut and the two times I early recycled it, pretty easy on the throat. But it is not food, nourishment yes, food no.

On a slight down side, it seems that after a couple of hours the smell of BBQ is not particularly pleasing . In fact, it tends to exacerbate the feelings a nausea that tend to creep in to my world. I do seem to have a heightened sense of smell, lots of things don’t smell very nice and I notice them a lot.

So anyway about 2:30 I realized the dice were being loaded for a unpleasant and potential disgusting episode if I insisted on remaining in the office. I left, headed home and managed to be asleep by 4:30.

That pretty much describes my daily routine, I’m up smelling things, sleeping or somewhere in between. That’s the gist of it, just so tired all the time.

Well it’s the weekend so I most likely at to this post as the day goes on, between naps and such.

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Friday, March 23, 2012

Nasty, Just plain Nasty

Thursdays’ seem to be my bad event day and yesterday was no exception. I made it home from the nuke session and was just sitting in the truck resting up when I felt a warm wet feeling.

Now I’m sure there are valid good warm wet feelings but none that I could remember ever happening while sitting in a truck parked in the driveway, by yourself.

Opps, look like I am a victim of a belly puke. One or more plugs in Wilbur have come undone and he is busily spewing the breakfast contents from this morning into my lap.

What a mess, all over the shirt, the jeans, in my lap, and when getting out I unload a fair amount on my shoes. Thursday has struck again.

Formal word is seven more radiation days after this Friday, and the nurse thinks two chemo days but still checking. Then the recovery begins.

Milestones in the recovery process, as I see them:
1. Filmore gone, gut plugged up
2. Mediport removed
3. Food by mouth,
4. Throat no longer raw as the dickens
5. Red neck reduced to farmer tan lines only
6. Back to work
7. Teeth or something close to them

Late entry – Fed-Ex delivered box from the lil bro, seems as I am no longer considered to be portly and the loss of my trade might be the end for Omar the tent maker. Anyway, in the box of L size shirts, there was a true rare gem. How John ended up with it is unknown but in the box is a one of a kind original handmade Deb shirt!

That’s right, way back in the days, before she became ex-wife#2, Deb made me several classic shirts, all in the Hawaiian style and all with pearl snaps. We were to poor to afford the fancy buttonhole maker for her sewing machine, but I could do the pearl snaps. This shirt is one of the last ones she made. I will post a picture of it later this week.

The second half of the Miriam or Donna shirts today:
Hawaiian bottle shirt in blue, but is it Duke blue?:

Weight today – 204
Hair loss – 3, found three short hairs in comb
Sunburn – getting tight and itchy,
Throat – dry and scratchy

It’s coming up on the weekend!! Lets party hardy

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Dust Bowl Dry

Drier than a West Texas Playa lake in August, we talking drier than OC Fisher in San Angelo, all shrunk up and cracked, that’s the condition I think my neck is in. ‘It’s accumulative’, that what they keep saying, what they should be saying is it isn’t going to be getting better for a while, just worse.

My neck is a dark tan, somewhat akin to the color and texture of an old, dried up saddle. Come to think of it, neatsfoot oil and saddle soap are about the only two things I haven’t tried on it to ease the burn.

On the plus side, I look like a oil rubbed bronze work of art, at least my neck does.

I plan on working from home again today, Yesterday it worked out a lot better than I thought, thanks to Alex getting the kinks out of my VPN connection.

Thanks for all you guys that weighed in on the ST disability issue, I have decided to move forward on it, I am being less effective every day and the stamina just isn’t there. After I logged off last night I think I was asleep in less than 5 mins, just sitting on the couch.

Today’s shirt is provided by ether Miriam or Donna, these two beautiful ladies sent me a couple of shirts but I don’t know if they were individually picked out or a joint effort. So today and tomorrow, shirts by Miriam and Donna!!

Hawaiian Sunset in Paradise Aloha shirt:

Feed bags hung - 1
Weight today – 206
Hair loss – none
Sunburn – maybe not as bad as yesterday,
Throat – dry and scratchy

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hump Day Part Deux

Want to know what really chaps my butt? Forgetting to save my work, and then having windows forget to auto recover it. I am pretty sure I started today’s fine missive last night during one of my midnight strolls, made a pretty good start on it.

But I get up this morning and find that my computer decided to reboot last night and no auto recovery file to be found, dang it bobby, that’s just worong.

And seeing as I running a bit behind, and lost a lot of the stuff I put to paper, this post might take most of the day to get posted, pardon me while I save this.

Today’s shirt is from hunting buddy Marvin and his bride Sue, two good people from down Austin way, Marvin is somewhat of an oddity, he was actually raised in Austin, there aren’t that many people living there that can claim that status.

Anyway, true to form the Hawaiian shirt he sent me is green bamboo, jungle camouflage, but will work in a pinch with upland birds in Texas.

It is hump day that means I am looking down the barrel at Thursday. Historically Thursdays have been my bad days so this week I am going to try to come out on top.
It’s a lot of attitude and knowing when to push and when to back off.

Had a pretty good day at work yesterday, Bob and I improved a process reducing processing time by about 60%, good but we need a bit more. May try to work on that today again.

Still no decision on the short term disability need to talk to the HR lady and get more details.

-----> NEWS FLASH It's official I now have 9 nuke days remaining NEWS FLASH <---

Weight today – didn’t weigh
Hair loss – none
Sunburn – worst day yet
Throat – really scratchy (wonder if related to red neck)

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tuesday !

So, yesterday pope Buford comes by after work to check on me, or did he?, perchance he wanted to ensure that I had actually worn that fine shirt he provided. Proof is what you see is what you get. As I opened the door I am pretty sure the flash of orange cause him to take a step back , shield his eyes and realize the shirt was on.

So today I wear one from Sissy, and as like the one from Monday, it to is a parrot shirt, it is a subtler shade of red, adorned with purple parrots. Looks like last week was fish this week parrots, so far.

Dudes, these are some fine shirts, if I was up to kicking up my heels I would be out at the bar strutting my stuff. Guess the ladies will have to wait it out till I’m man about town again.

Chemo went fine, still feeling the Mr. Happy bag of drugs that is included with the course of treatments. Without that one I would had been in bed at least twice by now, instead I am about to go enjoy another double chocolate shake of the low carb design.

Dr. Visit went well except for low blood pressure, seems losing 32 pounds might have had a good effect on the blood pressure and now the benicar is working too well, my new instructions are to watch the blood pressure.

Also Dr Nguyen was very pleased he could no longer feel the secondary mass that was so apparent in my neck at the start of treatment, and that’s a good thing.

Looks like the plan going forward is going to be something like this; end of mission is on the day of the last radiation treatment, that’s ether 30 March or 3 April. Healing and recovery should run for about four to six weeks with a PET scan scheduled around week 6. This tells the tale; the PET scan is used to locate any active sites that might have survived.

I think today or tomorrow I make a decision on short term disability, it’s getting harder and harder to get to and stay on task at work, I’m just so tired. That I think is the worst part of this, being so tired all the time.

After a few sips of clamato juice I decided to pass on the rest of it. I’ll try something new today.

Weight today – 207 might be due to the 3 liters of fluid I received yesterday
Hair loss – none
Sunburn – not so bad

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Monday, March 19, 2012


So here is the deal, my main peeps that have been hauling me to chemo are trapped on a cruise ship at sea and unavailable. I’m sure they are having a bad time having to drink and party all day and such, so keep them in your thoughts,

Meanwhile Bruce shows up in the purple assault vehicle festooned with more antenna than a RC-12N Guardrail, seems spotter activation was required this morning and now I am traveling to chemo inside a what I hope is a true faraday cage in the event one of the thirteen eleven antennas decides to act a conductor for natures big spark.

So what radio is on? FM, light jazz. At least we are a spectacle as we tool down the interstate looking all official and cool.

Most days are like yesterday; get up eat, sleep , get up , eat, sleep, get up , sleep etc.etc till dark then eat and sleep. Just a tad low on the energy, not a lot of get up and go, it got up and went.

Today’s shirt brought to you courtesy of pope Buford, a fine shirt that can double as a hunting shirt if the need to show blaze orange arises. Me I like the parrots.

Managed to drink about ¼ of a banana malt via straw! Only took 3 hours.

% chemo complete: 85.17 – 1 chemo days left unless they change it
% radiation complete: 68.57 – 11 sessions remaining
Weight today – 205.5
Hair loss – none
Sunburn – painful

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Saturday night on a Saint Paddy day and it unfolds like this all around the world. Thousands of revelers driving the big bus, praying at the porcelain throne, calling their buddy Ralph. But they all had one thing in common, green beer or copious amounts of alcohol.

Not me, I’m on the wagon for the duration, and poking wine or scotch down a feeding tube is just to crass even for me. So who has opposable thumbs and is in the finals for training for the vomit comet? That’s right baby, pedro is, that’s who.

Last night I guess I just over ate. Three cans of goodness down the feeding tube and then I have validation as to why they flavor this stuff. Pretty sure two cans worth hit the return to sender button, ya gotta love those big ol trash cans, Yummy vanilla.

Not saying I went to bed hungry, just a tad light on the nutritional meter for last night. Looking forward to seeing what today brings. Throat is a little scratchy this morning, wonder why?

Over on six-man football a football buddy gave this description, and I liked it so much I want to share “ . . . To kill all your taste buds gargle with gasoline about 5 minutes at a time 5-6 times a day (remember that taste from sipohin gas to go cruzin as a teenager from someone elses car?). Next cut a small hole in yer gut with a dull rusty pocket knife (yes you can use evercleer for sedation but it's just going to run out when you poke the hole). Stick a piece of garden hose in the hole and superglue it in place. Put a funnel on the end of the hose and pour in a bucket of carp guts that's set in the sun about a week. This should simulate the nausea. Now hold a blow torch up to yer throat to get that burnin feelin. Now do the full workout in the afternoon sun till ya pass out to get that exhausted feelin.”

51eleven has done went and hit a home run with that one. Some times greatness is just thrust upon you.

% chemo complete: 71.42 – 2 chemo days left
% radiation complete: 65.71 – 12 sessions remaining
Weight today – 204
Hair loss – none
Sunburn – really, really painful

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Another Trophy on The Wall

Might not be the largest one ever, maybe not the meanest, but he was sure the most destructive in a long time. We’re talking about Mickey’s cousin, Wilbur the rat, the one with a taste for washing machines.

Seems he was revisiting the scene of the crime and found out about sticky pads. Yeah, they work good, he’s not going anywhere anytime soon. That's one stuck up rat.

Felt bad about the gecko though, oh well, collateral damages did occur. But the washing machine remains intact, and that’s a good thing. Sticky mats remain in the off chance Wilbur had a cohort.

No shirt today because no treatments, just healing. I am looking forward to a great Saturday.
No great projects to take on today, maybe just a sit and vegetate day, no reason to get excited, nothing to see here, just move along.

Weight today – 203.5
Hair loss – none
Sunburn – really painful

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday, Fun and Games

Just when I thought I had beat Nadir Thursday’s it ups and bites me. First gag and puke at the train station, then more to follow through out the evening. At least it does seem to settle down a bit over night. Think I’ll try working from home today. Less distraction if I’m gagging over a local trash can than at the office.

Throat and neck are all toasty, radiation burns keeping them that away. I apply the special cream after treatments but it is being less and less effective. I am developing a real bad sunburn.

All the above are issues I was told I would face so it’s not like any big surprise just wish they had missed a few.

Anne is the provider of the fine orange koi fish shirt which is described by the shipping documents as a Hawaiian shirt(green), Kam Koi shirt. Right now it’s bit large on my smaller frame than normal but after I put back on a few it’ll fit perfect.

Purple flowers and cute orange koi fish

Weight today – 204
Hair loss – none
Sunburn – really getting there now.
Throat - getting better

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Red Fish – Black Fish – More Fish

Today’s shirt is the second of the shirts brought to you by Pawl the troll motor. A beautiful shirt in the classic pattern of vintage sealife crafted out of what I like to refer to as women’s underwear material. Soft, smooth, slinky, ya got to love it, feels good, but in black. Gotta love re-purposing previous posts.

Ya know why insurance cost are so high? Let me tell you. The insurance company sent me 3 big boxes of Filmore food. In each big box were four cases of twenty-four cans of food. Are you with me? We are talking about ninety-six cans per big box. I’ve used almost two cases so all I have left is two big boxes (192 cans) and two cases (48 cans).

So they are now going to send me the low carb version to help with the blood sugar. What about the rest of this fine stuff? Can’t take it back, once shipped, it’s used. For sale, tasty, delicious, vanilla flavored nutrient shakes, cheap.

This just goes to show you can’t fix stupid, not even with duct tape. May be some one out there that needs it and can’t afford it, just got to find them.

Today is the traditional nadir day but I woke up feeling pretty darn good. Maybe I‘ve broke the cycle.

Laundry room update; A new new discharge hose has been installed and loads of laundry were done with out spilling a drop. Thanks again to Josh for fixing me up.

I think I might be getting used to the mask, yesterday I fell asleep at the end, woke myself up with a snore but no panic, just the proper amount of embarrassment.

Weight today – 205
Hair loss – none
Sunburn – fair to middling, I am a true red neck now.

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

You want fish? I’ll give you fish

Today’s shirt is brought to you by Pawl the troll motor. A beautiful shirt in the classic pattern of vintage sealife crafted out of what I like to refer to as women’s underwear material. Soft, smooth, slinky, ya got to love it, feels good,

Yesterday was one of those cause and effect days. The Drs have been riding my butt about losing too much weight; hence the feeding tube. So yesterday the issue was the blood sugar levels are way to high. So what is the cause of the high blood sugar? It seems like the cans of joy that go down FIlmore tube are a bit heavy on the carbs.

The nutritionist wants me to be downing 7 cans a day, each can has 42.3 carbs, that’s a total of 296.1 grams of carbs, guess this isn’t an Akins type of diet.

Anyway, the final result was two new meds, and a warning to watch my blood sugar. Watch it what? It’s a function of the damn food you want me to eat. This just goes to show you can’t fix stupid, not even with duct tape.

I suppose today I will have to call the nutritionist and get the low carb version of Filmore juice.

On the plus side, got the two legged coach here for a visit and young nephew Seattle, wish I could do more with them but I’m not on spring break.

On the minus side, flood in the laundry room; seems the new discharge hose has developed a crack, one that leaks a little more with each use, At least it wasn’t a big flood as in days past, but just enough to really tick me off. But it’s not getting to me . . .

Weight today 208
Blood sugar - before feeding - 136
Blood sugar - 1 hr after feeding - tbd

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

ACE in Action - Air Combat Element

Like all good operations, movement to contact, observation, supporting fires, resupply and retrograde, The ACE plays a huge part. The shirt today is from Air Warrior, He’s got a lot on his plate right now but he is staying in touch and providing support.

AW darling wife person is the worlds greatest mom to my two grand kids and those two are pretty much the worlds best any way.

Sunday was great, my mom and sister showed up, I got to interact with the three young un’s and I might be agreeing that the youngest is a possible serial killer in progress, cute smile just as he destroys the unbreakable.

Today’s visitors included a mysterious man that stole my full trash bag and left me an empty, right after the cardboard box parts on the porch disappeared. This evening I went out to clean it up, and it was done, big thanks on that one. BTW - you aren’t fooling anyone, I know who you are, I’ll thank you in person.

How is it, since I cant eat/ aren’t eating anything by mouth, there is always a sink full of dishes? I use a couple of glasses when Filmore get attended to but I always wash them up so I can use them at the next sitting.

Momma Jackson, you are slacking, you need to get your butt over here and pick up after your kid. All funning aside, Brandon who I refer to a trusty sidekick has been a boon to me during this adventure. Hopefully by the end of this, I will have him house broke.

Got to go eat my fill and go get nuked, what a day this is going to be.

Late in posting as day light saving times got to me. But alls good now

Here the shirt:

Lots and lots of attack choppers on it, looking good and feeling fine, but one of the nurses quested it, wanted to know where the fish were, inside of course.

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Monday, March 12, 2012

The End Is Nearing

Yes sir, that’s right, week five starts today and that means there are but three scant weeks left to endure. Fifteen ,15, treatment days, it’s not over by a long shot but three weeks from now there won’t be a chemo day and the mask is but a bad memory.

Hard to believe that I’ve come this far this fast with only a few bumps in the road. They seemed a whole lot larger when they were occurring but looking back I don’t see then as such a big deal now.

From this point forward I am wearing the KcS [Kill charley Shirts], that I’ve been given, they were a lot of support even when just hanging there on the wall waiting to be worn.

Today’s shirt is a joint effort between Ron and Laynette, a smooth subtle pink thing adorned with pink flamingos a tropical isles paradises, plus I’ll be looking good in it.

So far the nausea express is still sitting at the ready, I’ve managed to keep the beast under control with the ginger caps and the prescription meds, so it’s only a matter of waiting it out.

This morning 205
hitting the 7 can limit with ease so weight loss should hold here

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Sunday, March 11, 2012

5:22 Nausea Express

While this adventure has been fraught with periods of disgust and, pain, and trouble, for the most part it was forewarned, so it’s not like it something new. This roller coaster ride it just a thrill a minute.

But yesterday evening, at 5:22 PM, like a big silver streamliner, the nausea express thundered in to the station. And for the most part, it doesn’t look like it plans to pull out any time soon.

In the last few weeks there have twinges of Nausea, a general feeling of malaise, mostly passing after a brief rest. But this is different, it has lasted 15 hours, not the “ugh, leave me alone, I’m sick” kind, but the more “dang, I feel bad” kind. Not up to running any laps, that’s for sure.

Now maybe Dr Nguyen will feel a little better, as so far my system has not been following the expected rules or acting like he said it should. Doctors hate to be wrong.

I am maintaining the caloric intake, so the weight loss should slow or even stop! I like the thirty-four inch jeans [ wishful thinking, 36 is more like it]; I can be looking pretty darn buff with just a little work.

OK, here’s the plan. Three weeks left, that is 15 days, and that matches the exact number of new Hawaiian shirts I have amassed. So starting Monday, even though there are still 21 shirts in the closet that have not been worn, I will sport a KcS and will give a shout out to the provider and you will know your shirt has served it’s time on the front lines.

Like a rocket sled on rails - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Black Slime Lagoon, Again

This morning started out like it was going to be a good day. Slept all night, no issues, got up, fed like a fat man, three cans of smooth goodness down Filmore and I am feeling fine.

I even washed a few dishes, amazing how few dishes get used when you aren’t eating meals. Amazing that there were dishes to do, I mean, after all I’m not eating any meals. Any way, that little chore took but a few scant seconds and I’m left at ends as what to do next; Laundry!

Gather up the load and fire it off and happen to look down and watch as the flood heads towards the far wall. Leaking again? I’m done, time to cut losses, Lowes is fixing to get some of my cash.

For sale: washing machine runs great, minor leak, clean, like new, make offer.

One thing charley has made me realize is that you can’t let the little things get to you, just do what has to be done and quit jacking around.

Morning stats:
Total sleep since yesterday – 9.5 hours
Caloric intake yesterday– 1800
Caloric intake for breakfast today - 1050
Weight – 205

I was recently ask when I learned to speak French, My extent of French is the catch phrase:

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Friday, March 9, 2012

It’s The Weekend

I was this close - | | -, to having a great Thursday but Filmore, ( that’s the feeding tube), had to get in a last shot. He just up and puked and made a mess of my shirt and stuff. I was headed home; so it was no big deal, but my super soft and sensitive skin didn’t like the acidy nature of his remarks.

Anyway got to the casa, got cleaned up and crashed. Laid down to rest and woke up 5 hours later. Even had visitors but didn’t know it. Hunting buddy came by and checked up on me but I suppose he just didn’t feel it would be right to wake me from my slumber. At least he didn’t clean me out.

I plan on making it an early day today, think I am going to need to restock up in the sleep department. That in itself, is the worst part of this, I’m just so tired all the time.

On a happy note; Cigna insurance sent me back some more money, seems that there is no co-pay or out of pocket expense for dental work when dealing with charley, small blessing but what the hay!, it’s free money baby. Guess I’ll pay some other bill with it.

Among other things this has led me to experience, heart burn, yeah, heart burn. Seems like my swallowing muscles are becoming weak due to under utilization, so stomach crap is oozing up and I now know what heart burn is, not good, that what.

Week Four is history! 57% complete with Chemo and radiation, it’s down hill from here, rocket sled on rails, look out baby here I come.

Today's shirt:

Morning stats:
Total sleep since yesterday – 11 hours
Caloric intake yesterday– 750 ( my bad, but some days you just aren’t hungry.)
Caloric intake for breakfast today - 1050
Weight – 205

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Chemo Nadir Day

Seems kind of funny, but its Thursday when the chemo day finally catches up to me. At least the last 3 Thursdays have been pretty much unmitigated disasters, but who’s counting. Today is going to be a good day; I can feel it in my gut, no wait, that’s the feeding tube. Oh well, hope for the best and enjoy the ride.

Pointed out to me last night how sick I am.; sick in the head. It was pointed out that I usually post best after a bad day or bad experience. But crap, those things are a lot more interesting than the fact I sat at my desk and worked on boring things. But I’ll let you in on a secret; if it comes down to it, boring over bad, everyday of the week.

Yesterday, the world’s most unique shirt arrived from my mom. It’s a recycle, wore one time back at one of the very first Adams family reunions. I’m talking about back in the 70’s I think. There is no way to describe this shirt but to take a picture of the recurring theme.

Now you know why it was worn once. But it does have a certain appeal.

Yesterday a mile stone was reached in the course of the treatment plan but another went almost unnoticed. This bad boy can once again fit into 36 inch jeans; this is like a whole new wardrobe is once again available for wear. I knew holding on to those jeans was the right thing to do :)

So on to meet the day, think I’ll go down a couple of cans of breakfast and greet the morning.

Today's shirt:

Misc items:
Svelte looking dude’s weight this morning 209.5
Feeding tube acts like pop off valve when straining a bit to hard.
Also feeding tube is a two way device, if the plug is out, you leak, a lot.

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Hump Day – Big Time Hump Day

Yesser it’s a Wednesday all right. That makes it hump day. The week is almost over; well at least we are over the hump and headed downhill to the weekend. Things are looking up.

Today is not only this weeks hump day, but today is also the hunp day for the treatment protocol. That makes today a massively good hump day. I am over half done with chemo and half done with the x-ray plan. I’m liking it, still have hair, still have no appetite, still kicking charleys butt down the street.

It is a heck of a lot easier when you have the support team I have, from the paid professional charley exterminators to the family and friends that have given me the AWESOME support. I owe all you guys’ big time. Thanks.

As I mentioned at the end of yesterday’s post, there was no photo of the shirt worn for Tuesday. For some reason, the young ladies that drive the gargantuan multimillion dollar charely killing liner accelerator x-ray machine are confused by a camera phone.

They are good people so they get a pass. The photo turned out black, totally black, who knows. Maybe today will be better.

No feeding tube issues yesterday and I fell 100% better about this thing. Still don’t like it, but it’s doing it’s share in the epic adventure so I guess it’s OK.

Another fine night, I did wake up once with a fair amount of pain on my ear, but other than that, no issues. Note to self: If you manage to fall asleep with ear bent double and stay that way for several hours, it will hurt when you awake, and possibly look funky.

Hump day shirt:

Misc stuff:
Svelte looking dude’s weight this morning 211.5
Time to six man games start back up: 05:25:05:42:35

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Trial and Tribulation #37

I hate this one. It’s this damn feeding tube, I hate it, it’s driving me crazy, and truthfully, until it, I wasn’t having all that bad a time.

Sure there where a few down days, and I still hate the dentist, I hate having to gum the food I can’t swallow. And all things considered, this sore throat is a real pain, figurative and literally.

But these are minor T&T’s, compared to this debacle known as a feeding tube. I think I have worn out my welcome to the ER, they charged me last night.

Maybe because I wasn’t as nice and comatose as before, the pain level wasn’t as high and I as able to be my normal caustic sarcastic evil unhappy customer self when dealing with STUPID customer service people. (pet peeve)

In an effort to speed things up, I brought with me the complete set of discharge papers from the previous visit. You would think it would be a place to start, but NO, exact quote here, ”you might have moved, got a new phone number, or driver license since the last visit, and insurance changes”.

Maybe this is why my friend told me I wasn’t allowed to kill anyone. Friend know how I react to this level of stupidity. Even in my prime I couldn't have done that in four days over a weekend.

The reason for the visit, seepage = ok , erupting like Mt Etna, not so much. I’m not much of an educated man, I figure there is about 90% I still don’t know, but common sense dictates that the need for two, not one, two washcloths to contain the molten liquids erupting from around the feeding tube meet the return to base criteria.

Got home after midnight, at the end, a great RN and Doctor finally shed some light on this thing and how to operate it. Seems that what was happening was that the seal wasn’t pulled tight so it was leaking, a lot. I would have thought this might have been mentioned before, like maybe with some post op type instructions? NO, I reviewed those three pages maybe fifty times and this procedure to snug up the tubes is conspicuously absent.

So, after Radiation this morning, I am headed into try to make it in to work, maybe put on a feedng show, charge twenty five cents to see the tube in action. Yoo Wee! There’s money to be made.

No photo today, i'll tell you why tomorrow. Made it to work and back home again. Reload for tomorrow.

DUH - I just realized I could take a picture of the shirt that I wore, not like it gets burned up at the end of the day.

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Monday, March 5, 2012

Looking Good, Me and my Crew, This is How I Roll

It’s Monday, that means chemo and radiation. When I get done with the chemo session I think a visit to the local watering hole might be in order. At least that is the plan, but time will tell.

For all those who are wondering, how I’m doing, this picture might add a definition for looking good. At least this is how I roll some days.

I’m no longer drinking beer, it’s not going to happen. Stuff by mouth tastes like pig butt, not that I know what a pig butt tastes like but I’m pretty sure I’m close on this one. Tried a slice of pizza yesterday, I couldn’t eat it, the taste was so bad. Faithful minion managed to eat the rest of the pie.

Got a good nights sleep, 1 to 2, then 2 to 5, that’s not too bad for an old toot like me. Only thing jerking me around this morning is the feeding tube, seems like the seepage might slow down or stop, I don’t like it. Having a wet spot on my shirt isn’t all that uncommon for me but usually it’s coffee.

Stand by for pictures of the crew, two good friends, one a riding buddy, the other a drinking buddy. Plus a chance to see the shirt. Well today two of my loyal minions accompanied me to chemo, notice that three shirts did match, what loyal minions I have.

charley’s lament, he’s going to die ,not only are the good sisters of the Oblate after his sorry carcass but today the KcS coalition was reinforced, we now have an ACE, Got an air mobile Hawaiian shirt the print being a collection of the bad guys worst nightmares. Massive, fleet, agile, stealthy, killing machines all piloted by the worlds best RWA.

And on the NBC front, Dr Nguyen hooked me up with some heavy duty antibiotics in the off chance got an infection lingering on. Blood work looks good with my immune system rating looking better than the last 3 weeks test results. Dang this clean living; there just might be soothing to it.

KcS - Kill charley Shirt aka the informal name of the coalition as in Kill charley Shirt coalition.
RWA – roter winged aviator, one who beats into submission a machine designed to tear itself apart if given a chance.
ACE- Air Combat Element, zoomies, flyboys, RWA’s , and the odd wing wiper aka Air Warriors
NBC – Nuclear, biological, Chemical warfare – whatever it takes

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday Morning Coming Down

Amazing what two days can mean or do for you. I wasn’t sure I would survive Friday. Felt at least 100% better on Saturday and today, even better. Fixing to grab a bite to eat, seriously, I’m gonna grab a can out of the box, pop the top. And pour it down the feeding tub. I still hate this thing.

A least I know I can get the water and nutritional needs met. Today’s weight, I am at a svelte 210. Undocumented side effects, I got ankles again. And it no longer looks like I am walking around on short stubby fence posts; I now have calf muscle defined and am looking good.

Most likely could use some firming up though, and if I am down 26 lbs why do I still have a gut? That seems wrong, and I here to tell you coach, sit ups or crunches are not happening.

Seems like this needs to be a two part post, just not a lot of trial or tribulation going on right now so no need for pithy posts or sardonic black humor.

Maybe something stupid will happen later and I can blog about that.

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Early Bird Get Worm, Film at 7

I knew this would happen, go to bed by 8 and up just after midnight. Not too much to do at 1 AM, check email, read Drudge Report, blog.

1:51 AM, that’s right, earliest blog time for me since the start. But this is going to be a work in progress I’ll be back in a couple of hours with more updates.

Up again at 6:30 or so. Not to much going on in my world except I feel better than yesterday. Today I am moving a little bit faster and with a heck of a lot less pain in the gut. Not home free, won’t be until this abomination is removed, gone, healed and forgotten.

I was wanting to go skydiving this morning but since the winds are up a bit, guess we’ll have to put that off till a later date. Dang, same thing for cleaning up, can’t do it, high winds.

I think for breakfast I’ll a delicious can of vanilla flavored goop, yummy, yummy, good for the yummy.

Was a great Saturday! Hunting buddy from Austin and his bride showed up for a nice visit then the Vitmix king James came over. Now they said getting out would be good for me, so they drug me up to Denton to see a friend up there.

Bruce thinks playing a little poker will be good for entertainment and make me feel tons better. Just one question, how does losing all your money playing poker supposed to make you fell better? Maybe he meant make him fell better.

At least I didn’t lose my money, just the money I started with, thanks guys. I did have a good time. And for the record, pocket aces beat pocket jacks, every time. It was a good game even if the rotten host won all our money.

Tonight I had a another nutritional drink plus a hydrocodone for desert. Looks like I’ll be sleeping well. See you at 1.

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Friday, March 2, 2012

The Old Brown Mule

You guys need to be on a look out for an old brown mule. This sum-bitch kicked me in the gut. I didn’t see it happen but that would explain the discomfort. Discomfort is a medical term for hurting like hell. Find the mule and I’ll provide the 12ga.

Today I wasn't hitting on all 8 cylinders so I put off blogging and dang near forgot it. Forty-two eleven phone calls checking up on me made me realize I has neglected my readers.

Today was a the final nuke day of the week and end of week 3 so we are at 42.85% completion plus or minus – depending on if I have to make of the two missed nuke sessions.

So week 4 is hump week and cisplatine nadir week as well. 80% of patient complain of side effects by week 4. So far I only suffer general malaise on Thursdays following chemo. I attribute this to taking ginger pills (OTC) 6 times a day to help prevent nausea and elephant attacks. So far so good – no elephants in the neighborhood.

Load of visitors today, all good, Friend Donna came over and help straighten up the man cave. I don’t know why, if you can walk around it or step over it’s not that bad. Nutritional lady brought me a weeks worth of feed for the feed bag, heck she even brought feed bags.

Ron and Laynette stopped in prior to leaving on their latest excursion, just to check on me cause I hadn’t blogged. Bro Paul is in from the hub city where it is cold for a day or so and hunting buddies are headed over tomorrow to make fun of my broke down person. Ha, jokes on them, I’m losing weight and their not.

Hurts too much to cough but gut is getting better. But why do they flavor the nutritional mix I stick in my feeding tube? Unless it’s to taste it in the event of colorful toilet talk, I just don’t know.

Today’s shirt

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Bad Day at Black Rock

Woo Wee I hope to whistle. I swear I didn’t want this feeding tube but Doctors orders.
Overall just about the worst thing I have had done to me so far.

I might have mentioned that I possess a super gag reflex. Well step one in the procedure is to pass a thin camera tool up my nose and down the esophagus. Ha – super gag reflex says not no, but hell no.

Third or fourth attempt it’s down but I have made my point, they will think twice before trying that again. Then it’s la la land for the rest of the procedures. In the recovery room I am given all sorts of instructions which I promptly forget as I’m pretty much in la la land.

Then it’s home to rest on the couch and recover, it’s a plan. Seems like hours later I decide to try to assume a vertical position. Lots and lots of pain, and me trying to find a position that is bearable. All I know is pain is present and I am sweating like a fat hog in summer. I seem to be having trouble getting a deep breath and all in all I decide it’s time to re-visit the hospital.

Called my support person, croaked out ER, and in a few short minuets I was back at the hospital. They hung a bag of Mr. Happy and fluids and got me in for x-rays and checked it out. Looks like I got gas. Yep, and not the regular kind, maybe some trapped air is causing the intense discomfort. The sweating is put off on the pain, like a side effect.

Back home, recuperating just fine, have a short customer support session scheduled at 10 then it’s beddy bye for me.

Today I busted the gauges, most especially the attitude one but then Thursday is my Chemo nadir day so what can I say.

Todays shirt, participating in not one but two medical sessions.

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Express Lane for Big Mac’s

Later this morning the express lane to the gut gets installed. That means the big mac’s don’t have to stop by the choppers before being consigned to the gut. I tried hard to avoid this moment, I hate people cutting on me, I know, knifes slip, accidents happen.

But looks like I was losing to much, to fast. I was thinking I was looking pretty good, I’m down to 212 this morning, we started at 236 which is at least 36 lbs overweight so I can stand to lose a few. Doctor didn’t buy that line of reasoning.

Isn’t this nice; nothing finer than waking in the morning with a touch of nausea. I can only offer apologies to all the young mothers that suffered through morning sickness. You were right, it’s not that easy.

But it’s not unexpected, it’s Thursday and so far Thursday after chemo is my down day. And Friday isn’t anything to write home about. But I have the weekend to look forward to.

Additional up dates and gauges to follow - - -

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler