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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hump Day Part Deux

Want to know what really chaps my butt? Forgetting to save my work, and then having windows forget to auto recover it. I am pretty sure I started today’s fine missive last night during one of my midnight strolls, made a pretty good start on it.

But I get up this morning and find that my computer decided to reboot last night and no auto recovery file to be found, dang it bobby, that’s just worong.

And seeing as I running a bit behind, and lost a lot of the stuff I put to paper, this post might take most of the day to get posted, pardon me while I save this.

Today’s shirt is from hunting buddy Marvin and his bride Sue, two good people from down Austin way, Marvin is somewhat of an oddity, he was actually raised in Austin, there aren’t that many people living there that can claim that status.

Anyway, true to form the Hawaiian shirt he sent me is green bamboo, jungle camouflage, but will work in a pinch with upland birds in Texas.

It is hump day that means I am looking down the barrel at Thursday. Historically Thursdays have been my bad days so this week I am going to try to come out on top.
It’s a lot of attitude and knowing when to push and when to back off.

Had a pretty good day at work yesterday, Bob and I improved a process reducing processing time by about 60%, good but we need a bit more. May try to work on that today again.

Still no decision on the short term disability need to talk to the HR lady and get more details.

-----> NEWS FLASH It's official I now have 9 nuke days remaining NEWS FLASH <---

Weight today – didn’t weigh
Hair loss – none
Sunburn – worst day yet
Throat – really scratchy (wonder if related to red neck)

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler


  1. I also vote for the short term disability so you don't catch some of the "bugs" going round right now. Can't believe no hair loss! Yeah.

  2. About the hair loss - believe Pope Burford graciously volunteered to undertake that part of the side effects.

  3. Actually…. I was secretly looking forward to one of my brothers having less hair than me…. Not that I think anyone should be folicly challenged… I just thought it would be nice if I could give out expert advice on what to do about having nothing.

  4. and good news about 9 remaining. Finish line is in sight.

  5. Dear Pete I hope that one day you will wear my shirt that I gave you Pete I hope that when Im older you can take me hunting Love your Bella

  6. for the LOVE of GOD and all humanity, Please Please Please don't arm Bella with a gun!!!!!
