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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Free Food Friday!

Yea, it’s free food Friday. Went in to the office yesterday, not sure why, but I did. At our fine establishment, we have lunch catered in every Friday, Yesterday it was BBQ, and all the trimmings.

Man it looked good, smelled good, and judging from the decrease in background noises, must have tasted pretty good as well. This is like the sixth week of free food that I haven’t enjoyed.

In fact that is what I find myself day dreaming about, food. Not just the taste, but the way it looks the way if felt as it is swallowed, can’t believe how much texture is involved in making something appetizing.

Now I’m pretty happy with my canned food, it’s keeping the weight steady, easy on the gut and the two times I early recycled it, pretty easy on the throat. But it is not food, nourishment yes, food no.

On a slight down side, it seems that after a couple of hours the smell of BBQ is not particularly pleasing . In fact, it tends to exacerbate the feelings a nausea that tend to creep in to my world. I do seem to have a heightened sense of smell, lots of things don’t smell very nice and I notice them a lot.

So anyway about 2:30 I realized the dice were being loaded for a unpleasant and potential disgusting episode if I insisted on remaining in the office. I left, headed home and managed to be asleep by 4:30.

That pretty much describes my daily routine, I’m up smelling things, sleeping or somewhere in between. That’s the gist of it, just so tired all the time.

Well it’s the weekend so I most likely at to this post as the day goes on, between naps and such.

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler


  1. Well, curiosity may have killed the kat but I couldn’t stand it… had to make my way over and verify if fajita was, in fact, styling in those Mr n Ms Banana shorts. Sure nuff and they didn’t even clash with the M&M shirt he was wearing.

  2. Hey, Pete! I found some "unclaimed money" in your name. Go to YOU'RE RICH!!!

  3. DOH!!!! What was I thinking. Pix for sure and blackmail down the road. Unfortunately it didn't even cross my mind, I must be slipping.
