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Friday, March 9, 2012

It’s The Weekend

I was this close - | | -, to having a great Thursday but Filmore, ( that’s the feeding tube), had to get in a last shot. He just up and puked and made a mess of my shirt and stuff. I was headed home; so it was no big deal, but my super soft and sensitive skin didn’t like the acidy nature of his remarks.

Anyway got to the casa, got cleaned up and crashed. Laid down to rest and woke up 5 hours later. Even had visitors but didn’t know it. Hunting buddy came by and checked up on me but I suppose he just didn’t feel it would be right to wake me from my slumber. At least he didn’t clean me out.

I plan on making it an early day today, think I am going to need to restock up in the sleep department. That in itself, is the worst part of this, I’m just so tired all the time.

On a happy note; Cigna insurance sent me back some more money, seems that there is no co-pay or out of pocket expense for dental work when dealing with charley, small blessing but what the hay!, it’s free money baby. Guess I’ll pay some other bill with it.

Among other things this has led me to experience, heart burn, yeah, heart burn. Seems like my swallowing muscles are becoming weak due to under utilization, so stomach crap is oozing up and I now know what heart burn is, not good, that what.

Week Four is history! 57% complete with Chemo and radiation, it’s down hill from here, rocket sled on rails, look out baby here I come.

Today's shirt:

Morning stats:
Total sleep since yesterday – 11 hours
Caloric intake yesterday– 750 ( my bad, but some days you just aren’t hungry.)
Caloric intake for breakfast today - 1050
Weight – 205

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  1. What, your hunting buddy didn't clean you out? I think you are still in a sleep induced fog. Any good hunting buddy will help himself to the "pretty" stuff if the opportunity arises. Check around, I am certain a "shiny" object has gone AWOL. On the plus side If he's really a good hunting buddy, he brought back that "neat" item he procured on his last visit....

  2. Now that you know what heartburn feels like, you understand why I carry a pocket flask of malox at all of Coach's football games. Heartburn + stress ulcer = one unhappy mommajackson. I wonder if you pour malox in the tube when fluids gurgle up the wrong way if it would work.....

  3. Actually that's a good question ... and not just maalox - can you drop pills down the feeding tube? Or just liquid stuff? I know Jerrod was going to score you some super-stress-combat-vitamins from his army buddies - do you just drop those in or do you have to pulverize them first and mix with a little vodka (for antiseptic purposes) ..

  4. Dang. I missed the perfect chance to "borrow" a bike...

  5. Glad Cigna gave you money. Time for another poker game.
