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Friday, March 23, 2012

Nasty, Just plain Nasty

Thursdays’ seem to be my bad event day and yesterday was no exception. I made it home from the nuke session and was just sitting in the truck resting up when I felt a warm wet feeling.

Now I’m sure there are valid good warm wet feelings but none that I could remember ever happening while sitting in a truck parked in the driveway, by yourself.

Opps, look like I am a victim of a belly puke. One or more plugs in Wilbur have come undone and he is busily spewing the breakfast contents from this morning into my lap.

What a mess, all over the shirt, the jeans, in my lap, and when getting out I unload a fair amount on my shoes. Thursday has struck again.

Formal word is seven more radiation days after this Friday, and the nurse thinks two chemo days but still checking. Then the recovery begins.

Milestones in the recovery process, as I see them:
1. Filmore gone, gut plugged up
2. Mediport removed
3. Food by mouth,
4. Throat no longer raw as the dickens
5. Red neck reduced to farmer tan lines only
6. Back to work
7. Teeth or something close to them

Late entry – Fed-Ex delivered box from the lil bro, seems as I am no longer considered to be portly and the loss of my trade might be the end for Omar the tent maker. Anyway, in the box of L size shirts, there was a true rare gem. How John ended up with it is unknown but in the box is a one of a kind original handmade Deb shirt!

That’s right, way back in the days, before she became ex-wife#2, Deb made me several classic shirts, all in the Hawaiian style and all with pearl snaps. We were to poor to afford the fancy buttonhole maker for her sewing machine, but I could do the pearl snaps. This shirt is one of the last ones she made. I will post a picture of it later this week.

The second half of the Miriam or Donna shirts today:
Hawaiian bottle shirt in blue, but is it Duke blue?:

Weight today – 204
Hair loss – 3, found three short hairs in comb
Sunburn – getting tight and itchy,
Throat – dry and scratchy

It’s coming up on the weekend!! Lets party hardy

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler


  1. Well 3 follicles and approximately 49,597 to go if you wish to match my degree of alopecia. Although my experiance tells me the comb is nothing compared to the tub drain.

  2. That's one fine and classy shirt. The pearl snaps make it. I had no idea Miss Deb was so seamstressly talented. I noticed you never did answer her question of whether or not you still had your dress uniform (the formal one?) and if so can you fit back into it? If you can fit back into it are you subject to being called up?

  3. sissy - I still have my mess dress, I think I can fit into it, no longer subject to call up, transferred to the retired list on Dec 23

  4. that makes me happy and sad ( that you are officially on the retired list )

  5. I was recently wondering how long ago your Hawaiian shirt fetish surfaced. Wow, it was a very long time ago. I don't remember making them, so am very anxious to see that picture. John, thanks for saving it all these years!!

  6. hey - that shirt was a christmas present - i'm not unloading it and i made darn sure to only wear it for formal occasions - so it is in very good shape. unfortunately - i don't think i can squeeze into it - but like i said - it was my christmas present.

    pete fails to mention that he is also in possession of the last pair of mr and ms banana head SHORTS - followers of this saga should insist he wear the entire banana ensemble to a nuke session. just to make the technicians a little concerned about the beam focus and to worry if they have cooked the random prefrontal lobe or two.

    and i want that particular shirt from the house of ms deb back.....

  7. Beautiful dress. Thanks again another post. Aviation Hawaiian Shirts

  8. I am not only in possession of the shorts but currently I am in the shorts as well. The cut and fit is superb and my lithe Adonis type of muscularity is shown off by the trim cut of these beauties.

    Deb, I can't believe you forgot the red crawfish, yellow crawfish shirts you mad for Bill Mullens an I back in the early 80's. The first of several great shirts.
