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Sunday, March 11, 2012

5:22 Nausea Express

While this adventure has been fraught with periods of disgust and, pain, and trouble, for the most part it was forewarned, so it’s not like it something new. This roller coaster ride it just a thrill a minute.

But yesterday evening, at 5:22 PM, like a big silver streamliner, the nausea express thundered in to the station. And for the most part, it doesn’t look like it plans to pull out any time soon.

In the last few weeks there have twinges of Nausea, a general feeling of malaise, mostly passing after a brief rest. But this is different, it has lasted 15 hours, not the “ugh, leave me alone, I’m sick” kind, but the more “dang, I feel bad” kind. Not up to running any laps, that’s for sure.

Now maybe Dr Nguyen will feel a little better, as so far my system has not been following the expected rules or acting like he said it should. Doctors hate to be wrong.

I am maintaining the caloric intake, so the weight loss should slow or even stop! I like the thirty-four inch jeans [ wishful thinking, 36 is more like it]; I can be looking pretty darn buff with just a little work.

OK, here’s the plan. Three weeks left, that is 15 days, and that matches the exact number of new Hawaiian shirts I have amassed. So starting Monday, even though there are still 21 shirts in the closet that have not been worn, I will sport a KcS and will give a shout out to the provider and you will know your shirt has served it’s time on the front lines.

Like a rocket sled on rails - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler


  1. you better not let mom think the express had anything to do with her imminent arrival.

    you can tell dr nguyen that a lifetime of jalapenos has probably so scarred your gut that a little platinum based chemo is not going to cause a lot of distress.

  2. Funny - the same thing crossed my mind - the arrival of the nausea express timed to coincide with mom's arrival. Convenient Pete, verrrrryyy convenient. Ditto on the jalepeno consumption.

    Fine looking shirt by the way.
