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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

You want fish? I’ll give you fish

Today’s shirt is brought to you by Pawl the troll motor. A beautiful shirt in the classic pattern of vintage sealife crafted out of what I like to refer to as women’s underwear material. Soft, smooth, slinky, ya got to love it, feels good,

Yesterday was one of those cause and effect days. The Drs have been riding my butt about losing too much weight; hence the feeding tube. So yesterday the issue was the blood sugar levels are way to high. So what is the cause of the high blood sugar? It seems like the cans of joy that go down FIlmore tube are a bit heavy on the carbs.

The nutritionist wants me to be downing 7 cans a day, each can has 42.3 carbs, that’s a total of 296.1 grams of carbs, guess this isn’t an Akins type of diet.

Anyway, the final result was two new meds, and a warning to watch my blood sugar. Watch it what? It’s a function of the damn food you want me to eat. This just goes to show you can’t fix stupid, not even with duct tape.

I suppose today I will have to call the nutritionist and get the low carb version of Filmore juice.

On the plus side, got the two legged coach here for a visit and young nephew Seattle, wish I could do more with them but I’m not on spring break.

On the minus side, flood in the laundry room; seems the new discharge hose has developed a crack, one that leaks a little more with each use, At least it wasn’t a big flood as in days past, but just enough to really tick me off. But it’s not getting to me . . .

Weight today 208
Blood sugar - before feeding - 136
Blood sugar - 1 hr after feeding - tbd

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