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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Trial and Tribulation #37

I hate this one. It’s this damn feeding tube, I hate it, it’s driving me crazy, and truthfully, until it, I wasn’t having all that bad a time.

Sure there where a few down days, and I still hate the dentist, I hate having to gum the food I can’t swallow. And all things considered, this sore throat is a real pain, figurative and literally.

But these are minor T&T’s, compared to this debacle known as a feeding tube. I think I have worn out my welcome to the ER, they charged me last night.

Maybe because I wasn’t as nice and comatose as before, the pain level wasn’t as high and I as able to be my normal caustic sarcastic evil unhappy customer self when dealing with STUPID customer service people. (pet peeve)

In an effort to speed things up, I brought with me the complete set of discharge papers from the previous visit. You would think it would be a place to start, but NO, exact quote here, ”you might have moved, got a new phone number, or driver license since the last visit, and insurance changes”.

Maybe this is why my friend told me I wasn’t allowed to kill anyone. Friend know how I react to this level of stupidity. Even in my prime I couldn't have done that in four days over a weekend.

The reason for the visit, seepage = ok , erupting like Mt Etna, not so much. I’m not much of an educated man, I figure there is about 90% I still don’t know, but common sense dictates that the need for two, not one, two washcloths to contain the molten liquids erupting from around the feeding tube meet the return to base criteria.

Got home after midnight, at the end, a great RN and Doctor finally shed some light on this thing and how to operate it. Seems that what was happening was that the seal wasn’t pulled tight so it was leaking, a lot. I would have thought this might have been mentioned before, like maybe with some post op type instructions? NO, I reviewed those three pages maybe fifty times and this procedure to snug up the tubes is conspicuously absent.

So, after Radiation this morning, I am headed into try to make it in to work, maybe put on a feedng show, charge twenty five cents to see the tube in action. Yoo Wee! There’s money to be made.

No photo today, i'll tell you why tomorrow. Made it to work and back home again. Reload for tomorrow.

DUH - I just realized I could take a picture of the shirt that I wore, not like it gets burned up at the end of the day.

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler


  1. Have you tried putting beer or wine in the tube? If it works out, you may get something big started. Religious types could consume alcohol & still say "alcohol never crosses my lips".

  2. Well it's a learning curve. Thing is, knowledge of how to operate a feeding tube is one of those skills you sincerely hope to never have to use again once charley's been kicked in the nether regions. Pouring someof that fine wine you create down the tube would be a waste though. Wait until your tastebuds are working again.

  3. i've had pete's wine. pouring it down the feeding tube seems ill advised. i mean, a ceramic or glass tube might be impervious but a synthetic or latex tube might start to disintegrate in the presence of those volatiles. just a word of caution.

    semper fi, brother.
