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Monday, March 5, 2012

Looking Good, Me and my Crew, This is How I Roll

It’s Monday, that means chemo and radiation. When I get done with the chemo session I think a visit to the local watering hole might be in order. At least that is the plan, but time will tell.

For all those who are wondering, how I’m doing, this picture might add a definition for looking good. At least this is how I roll some days.

I’m no longer drinking beer, it’s not going to happen. Stuff by mouth tastes like pig butt, not that I know what a pig butt tastes like but I’m pretty sure I’m close on this one. Tried a slice of pizza yesterday, I couldn’t eat it, the taste was so bad. Faithful minion managed to eat the rest of the pie.

Got a good nights sleep, 1 to 2, then 2 to 5, that’s not too bad for an old toot like me. Only thing jerking me around this morning is the feeding tube, seems like the seepage might slow down or stop, I don’t like it. Having a wet spot on my shirt isn’t all that uncommon for me but usually it’s coffee.

Stand by for pictures of the crew, two good friends, one a riding buddy, the other a drinking buddy. Plus a chance to see the shirt. Well today two of my loyal minions accompanied me to chemo, notice that three shirts did match, what loyal minions I have.

charley’s lament, he’s going to die ,not only are the good sisters of the Oblate after his sorry carcass but today the KcS coalition was reinforced, we now have an ACE, Got an air mobile Hawaiian shirt the print being a collection of the bad guys worst nightmares. Massive, fleet, agile, stealthy, killing machines all piloted by the worlds best RWA.

And on the NBC front, Dr Nguyen hooked me up with some heavy duty antibiotics in the off chance got an infection lingering on. Blood work looks good with my immune system rating looking better than the last 3 weeks test results. Dang this clean living; there just might be soothing to it.

KcS - Kill charley Shirt aka the informal name of the coalition as in Kill charley Shirt coalition.
RWA – roter winged aviator, one who beats into submission a machine designed to tear itself apart if given a chance.
ACE- Air Combat Element, zoomies, flyboys, RWA’s , and the odd wing wiper aka Air Warriors
NBC – Nuclear, biological, Chemical warfare – whatever it takes

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler


  1. You are the Mr. T of turkeys. "Tommy Toughnuts", baddest turkey on the block, sporting his punk mohawk.

  2. Replies
    1. feeling better and looking good! hope this will be a normal week for me.

  3. Fine looking shirts. Couldn't you find a teeny little one for the turkey to wear?
