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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Bad Day at Black Rock

Woo Wee I hope to whistle. I swear I didn’t want this feeding tube but Doctors orders.
Overall just about the worst thing I have had done to me so far.

I might have mentioned that I possess a super gag reflex. Well step one in the procedure is to pass a thin camera tool up my nose and down the esophagus. Ha – super gag reflex says not no, but hell no.

Third or fourth attempt it’s down but I have made my point, they will think twice before trying that again. Then it’s la la land for the rest of the procedures. In the recovery room I am given all sorts of instructions which I promptly forget as I’m pretty much in la la land.

Then it’s home to rest on the couch and recover, it’s a plan. Seems like hours later I decide to try to assume a vertical position. Lots and lots of pain, and me trying to find a position that is bearable. All I know is pain is present and I am sweating like a fat hog in summer. I seem to be having trouble getting a deep breath and all in all I decide it’s time to re-visit the hospital.

Called my support person, croaked out ER, and in a few short minuets I was back at the hospital. They hung a bag of Mr. Happy and fluids and got me in for x-rays and checked it out. Looks like I got gas. Yep, and not the regular kind, maybe some trapped air is causing the intense discomfort. The sweating is put off on the pain, like a side effect.

Back home, recuperating just fine, have a short customer support session scheduled at 10 then it’s beddy bye for me.

Today I busted the gauges, most especially the attitude one but then Thursday is my Chemo nadir day so what can I say.

Todays shirt, participating in not one but two medical sessions.

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler


  1. I know that gas hurts like hell. Sorry today sucked, Pete.

  2. >:( I hate charley ...damney damney.

  3. I hope and pray you feel better today.

  4. Any time your friends need to use the driveway they are welcome to park on the left side. They don't need to let me know unless they want to. Heck, there is room for 3 cars or 2 trucks(unless it is a huge truck). I always park on the right side in the garage.

  5. Well Pete - So many, many things I could say about you and ... gas. But you're not feeling well so I'll let it ... pass. (See what I did there? Are you laughing? Mebbe mouthtwitch of a grin?)

  6. Thanks Old Lady! note to the left to the left to the left!
