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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Little Shop of Horrors – part 2.5

Ok, we left off with a pending remodel of my choppers’ garage. But the good doctor has plans to make it painless. I’m going to be asleep, or damn close to it.

Since I don’t have a choice in the matter I make sure there is a sushi lunch the day before. The condemned get a last meal and I want one as well.

Big day arrives and I arrive with less than overwhelming enthusiasm. I noticed they wanted the 5032.50 up front. But shortly there after I am in a chair and the IV is started and la-la land here I come.

Not totally out, there seems to be a shovel, jack hammer and someone’s fist in my mouth. ‘nudge him a bit’, as I hear this, I slip back to my happy place.

There’s a cover over my eyes, I feel a tugging and a scraping going on and holy crap batman that hurts!! As I settle back to the chair I’m gone again.

You doing ok?, I’m wondering why I can’t talk, I can mumble, and for the most part I feel a bit unstable. But, up and at ‘em. I find myself in the front office, and then in the truck. No trip to Bass Pro shop this time, I throb all over and my mouth is not OK.

Home and wondering if now would be a good time to take some of the drugs I’ve gotten. Mouth is so dry I don’t know if I can swallow. Oh yes I can swallow, I took the test, but first I pull out a handful of gauze. That’s better, but wait, I realize there’s more. Two more handfuls and suddenly I’m doing a heck of a lot better. Wonder if he meant to leave that stuff packed in there?

The next morning the mouth hurts, and near as I can tell I’v lost all the teeth from the canines back, on both sides, top and bottoms, and for some reason the 4 in front on the lower jaw. I have become a toothless ol Geezer. Looks like I will be gumming some food in the future.

I still hate the dentist, maybe not the doctor, but the whole abstract concept of ‘the dentist’. I’m a hater. And I still have to return for a follow up.

Next up, Simulation, some labs and D-day. At this point in time It’s D-10. The sim is on D-4, labs on D-6.

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