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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll

OK, maybe two outta three, and the rock & roll is actually country.

Who’s my new best friend? Hydrocodone. That’s right, better living through chemistry. Drugs are my new best friend. The sun burn in my mouth is pretty bad and swallowing is almost impossible.

It quit being a joke some time yesterday morning. I was hoping that the two day R&R would allow some relief but it wasn’t happening. I missed my caloric intake by 1200 yesterday and suspect if I don’t choke down some water I stand the good chance of getting dehydrated.

I guess that means a little bit more dry humor is necessary. Anyway, by night fall I was pretty low in the sprit department, the mental kind, not the liquid form. But between the pain in the throat, (constant), and the intense pain on attempts to swallow, I had me an epiphany.

Them dudes I don’t like, the dentists, they give me some pain meds that I didn’t take, and I wonder if they might help? Hell yes, I was asleep in thirty minutes and on the odd occasion I awoke, a swallow of water didn’t bring tear to my eyes.

I’ll be checking with #2 doc on Monday about pain meds for the throat, think there might be one specifically for the issue and I want them.

I felt so good the muse returned last night and I mentally put together the most wondrous blog post of all time. Unfortunately I fell back asleep and having failed to put it on paper, I haven’t a clue as to what it was. But I do remember it was a good one.

As to the missing member of the trio, any volunteers?

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler


  1. Pete this is probably a ridiculously obvious suggestion, and it might be contraindicated for some reason, but I got to thinking - you liken your sore throat to an extremely bad sunburn - so does a really cold drink make it feel better? (like ice cold aloe vera on sunburned skin feels good) Maybe you could start drinking really cold milk shakes or malts to maintain weight. Or drugs. Very cold drugs would work too.

  2. He tried really cold whiskey, but he said it didn't work as well as planned.
